Existence is Work and Love

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Posted by Hamda - - 1 comments

The social network “Facebook” provided the opportunity for Tunisian rap’s fans to publish their songs and gain a big number of publics of teenagers whose are fascinated by “the piety” and the tendency to religion which occupies most of these songs.

The example for that is the most famous one of them “Psyco M”, a young rapper with his songs which occupied by the tendency to religion, intimation on piety and following “the process of prophecy” as he said. In reality, I’ve listened to all his songs, and I can analyze the structure of his mind:

  • · The theory of plot or the freemason phobia: “Psyco M” has read some articles about the history of the freemasonry and he has watched some documentaries about this movement and the parties that are taking parts in it. He liked the story, and he thought that he discovered the truth of the world, and then he decided to be a renovator who will choose the fate of the Islamic nation.
  • · The Islamic caliphate: “Psyco M” believes that the Islamic caliphate is his highest paradise and his lost heaven. I see that he thinks against the history’s logic, and I suggest for him to read history’s books, and search about the eras of caliphate since the death of the prophet “Muhammad”, then he will know what I mean.
  • · The disease from western: the speech of “Psyco M” is defeatist and suffers from a psychological complex of the superiority of the westerns and the deferential in the scientific and civilized domain which swells day after day.
  • · The doubt of leaders of reform: it’s surprising that a teenager like “Psyco M, doubt in the leaders of reform like Jamaal din Afghani, Muhammad Abdaa, Rafaa Rafa Tahtawi, Kasem Amin, Tahar Haddad and others. Is ben laden the solution? “Psyco M”!

The conclusion is that “Psyco M” sees the entire world conspire against Islam, and he wants the return of caliphate and the Islamic conquest, and killing infidels. “Psyco M” suffers from a psychological complex of westerns, and asks you to put “Ben Laden” as the khalifa of the Islamic nation, in order to promote peace and contentment. “Psyco M”! You are wrong. Return to the history’s book and read clearly, correct your point of view, and know that the half of knowledge is more dangerous than the nescience, and the half of truth is more dangerous than lying.

The Original article is written in Arabic by Yassine : There

One Response so far.

  1. Youja says:

    If you're against his point of view than you can do nothing.
    PSYCO M have a huge public .. They're totally agree with him.
    So why are you attacking this artist ?
    Everybody have a point of view and ideas.

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