Existence is Work and Love

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Posted by Hamda - - 0 comments

Before December 12th 2010, i thought about creating a blog. I was so hesitant, but finally at this date I decided to create it, and name it “Existence”. In reality I liked to make its name “Life”, but I thought that this name is frequently used. About the description I chose to write “Existence is work and love”, and that’s what I think and believe, because the role of human is to work hard to remain alive, and in the same time it mustn’t forget its rights which are pleasure and peace that are results of love. Then this last is a source of enjoyment and satisfaction that encourage the existing to work and achieve its goals in life.

In my Arabic blog, I wrote “Life is the only play that you cannot watch”, and really it is. Then the human is an actor who strives for the success of its play and to enjoy itself…

I’ve talked about my philosophy in life, and now, I’ve to talk about the blog. It’s a general one, and that means, it isn’t specialized in a particular subject or domain. I hope for you passing amazing time while you are reading this blog.

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