Existence is Work and Love

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Posted by Hamda - - 0 comments

The Tunisian swimmer, Oussama Mellouli (26 years old) won the golden medal of 1500 meters competition in the world’s championship which was organized from 15 to 19 December 2010 in Himdan ben Muhammad ben Rashid’s sports complex - Dubai - UAE.

At first, on December 17, 2010, he got a bronze medal in 200 meters freestyle competition with 1 minute and 42.02 seconds behind the American Ryan Lochte (1 minute and 41.08 seconds) and the Russian Daniela Izotova (1 minute and 41.70 seconds). A day later, he got another bronze medal in 400 meters freestyle competition with 3 minutes and 17.38 seconds with a difference of 1.11 seconds between him and the first Paul Biedermann (German). Yesterday (18 December 2010), he obtained a silver medal in 400 meters( x4) competition with a new African record which is 3 minutes and 57.40 seconds behind the American Ryan Lochte with a new global record (3 minutes and 55.50 seconds).

Today, 19 December 2010 (the final day), he finally won a golden medal in 1500 meters freestyle competition with 14 minutes 24.16 seconds.

Posted by Hamda - - 0 comments

David Garrett, a 30 years-old German violin player, was born in Aachen the 4th of September 1980. He learned how to play this instrument since he was 4 years old, when his father Georg Peter Bongartz (lawyer) bought a violin to David’s older brother. And a year later he participated in a competition, and won the first prize. He has been playing in public since he was 7 years old. Then he studied violin at the Lubeck Conservatoire at the age of 12. And he started his career in 1993 by recording two CDs whose were seen in German and Dutch televisions.

To this point, Garrett is a normal musician, but he is not. David is the fastest violin player. He is able to perform 13 notes per second, when he played “Flight of the Bumblebee” in 1 minute and 5 seconds at the studio of the German TV show of records on December 20, 2008.

Posted by Hamda - - 1 comments

The social network “Facebook” provided the opportunity for Tunisian rap’s fans to publish their songs and gain a big number of publics of teenagers whose are fascinated by “the piety” and the tendency to religion which occupies most of these songs.

The example for that is the most famous one of them “Psyco M”, a young rapper with his songs which occupied by the tendency to religion, intimation on piety and following “the process of prophecy” as he said. In reality, I’ve listened to all his songs, and I can analyze the structure of his mind:

  • · The theory of plot or the freemason phobia: “Psyco M” has read some articles about the history of the freemasonry and he has watched some documentaries about this movement and the parties that are taking parts in it. He liked the story, and he thought that he discovered the truth of the world, and then he decided to be a renovator who will choose the fate of the Islamic nation.
  • · The Islamic caliphate: “Psyco M” believes that the Islamic caliphate is his highest paradise and his lost heaven. I see that he thinks against the history’s logic, and I suggest for him to read history’s books, and search about the eras of caliphate since the death of the prophet “Muhammad”, then he will know what I mean.
  • · The disease from western: the speech of “Psyco M” is defeatist and suffers from a psychological complex of the superiority of the westerns and the deferential in the scientific and civilized domain which swells day after day.
  • · The doubt of leaders of reform: it’s surprising that a teenager like “Psyco M, doubt in the leaders of reform like Jamaal din Afghani, Muhammad Abdaa, Rafaa Rafa Tahtawi, Kasem Amin, Tahar Haddad and others. Is ben laden the solution? “Psyco M”!

The conclusion is that “Psyco M” sees the entire world conspire against Islam, and he wants the return of caliphate and the Islamic conquest, and killing infidels. “Psyco M” suffers from a psychological complex of westerns, and asks you to put “Ben Laden” as the khalifa of the Islamic nation, in order to promote peace and contentment. “Psyco M”! You are wrong. Return to the history’s book and read clearly, correct your point of view, and know that the half of knowledge is more dangerous than the nescience, and the half of truth is more dangerous than lying.

The Original article is written in Arabic by Yassine : There

Posted by Hamda - - 0 comments

Open your hand, turn it from the right to the left or the contrast and say Bye-Bye, Good Bye or just Bye, all these have the same meaning and for the same reason. Do you use this gesture when you’re going to leave someone? Yes of course, because this one is the most used gesture in the world. Although the differences in culture it’s used in everywhere and by everyone. But do you know its origins? Have you searched about that before?

It’s known that this word is in English, but today so many languages has included this word, like French, Dutch and even Arabic. It became normal to read “bye” in a French tale or listen bye-bye in a German play. Because the most acted theatre play’s scenario are of Shakespeare who is one of the first writers that used this term “bye”, but in another form. In the 17th century, Shakespeare wrote his comedy “Twelfth Night” (or “what you will”) exactly in 1602. It was in Middle English (form of English language in use between 11th century and about 1470, but Shakespeare used Early Middle English to write his plays), and if you read this play, you’ll find within it this sentence “God be with ye” or “God be wy you” that means “God be with you” (ye means “you” in plural in middle English). By time, “God” have been substituted by “Good”, and the rest became “Bye”… as a conclusion “Good Bye” is a development of “God be wy you” which means “God be with you”. And in the lasts centuries this term developed, and appeared new nouns and verbs related to it like kiss bye which means “To kiss prior to departing” (kisses a bye with 3rd subject), and say bye that means “To wish someone farewell upon their leaving”. And the last but not the least are the gestures accompanying this word (bye), especially using hands.

A lot, a lot of literature and art works are inspired from this term, or included it, and because the number of examples is great. I’m just going to recall some of them, for example: “goodbye linin!” (Movie), “Bye Bye Blondie” (Book), “Bye bye Belgium” (TV Show) and “Bye bye beautiful” (Song).

Now, “Bye” has a new taste, because you know a little about it.

Bye-Bye !