Existence is Work and Love

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Posted by Hamda - - 0 comments

David Garrett, a 30 years-old German violin player, was born in Aachen the 4th of September 1980. He learned how to play this instrument since he was 4 years old, when his father Georg Peter Bongartz (lawyer) bought a violin to David’s older brother. And a year later he participated in a competition, and won the first prize. He has been playing in public since he was 7 years old. Then he studied violin at the Lubeck Conservatoire at the age of 12. And he started his career in 1993 by recording two CDs whose were seen in German and Dutch televisions.

To this point, Garrett is a normal musician, but he is not. David is the fastest violin player. He is able to perform 13 notes per second, when he played “Flight of the Bumblebee” in 1 minute and 5 seconds at the studio of the German TV show of records on December 20, 2008.

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